Have you ever come across the term "extroverted introvert?" It may come off like an oxymoron to some, but that moniker applies to a wealth of individuals. Dayloh happens to be one of those individuals - her energy is off the charts whenever she hops online to indulge in some variety streaming via her growing Twitch channel. She's a lively personality that loves to play anything and everything that she fancies within the comfort of her gaming safe haven. ONE37pm chopped it up with Dayloh to learn about her early days growing up as a gamer, her favorite anime, and a whole lot more.
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ONE37pm: So I peeped that you have two main loves in life - gaming and anime. How'd you end up becoming such an avid gamer? And what games are your main faves?
Dayloh: Yeah, I grew up playing games when I was young. I had a Sega Genesis, so I would play Sonic most of the time. I eventually got a Game Boy, PSP, Xbox, and so on. My dad and my cousins are one of the reasons why I enjoy gaming so much. My favorite games are Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit and Borderlands 2. I always come back to play those games - I enjoy the thrill and action they provide. Anime is an escape from reality. I enjoy how it's different and how the storyline of each anime is unique in its own way.
ONE37pm: And what turned you into such a diehard anime fan? What anime do you regard as your top five?
Dayloh: What turned me into a die-hard anime fan is the dark and mysterious shows, such as Erased, Death Note, Another, and many more. I only have a top three, and that is Erased, Black Clover, and Sword Art Online (Season 1).
ONE37pm: How'd you come up with the name "Dayloh?"
Dayloh: This might sound cool and depressing, but at first, it was "Dawjy" because my real name starts with a D, but now it's Dayloh. I name myself Dayloh due to being introverted at home, but extroverted on camera. It is also due to me dealing with anxiety and having high and low moments in my life. I enjoy the name Dayloh because people come up with many fun nicknames like "Nightloh," "Funloh," "Danceloh," etc.
ONE37pm: What led to you becoming a Twitch variety streamer? And what would you say are the easiest and hardest things that come with being a streamer?
Dayloh: What led me to become a Twitch streamer is the content I grew up watching in middle school and high school, like Vanossgaming. I always considered starting one day but didn’t know how to create content until I learned I have the best moments just being myself. My community is very accepting and supportive. I'm a variety streamer because I don't want to limit myself and I want to explore more options within the gaming community. There are other games, such as indie, shooting, and storytelling games, that are fun for the community to watch.
The hardest thing about becoming a Twitch streamer is consistent viewership and exploring new content for your stream. I research and find new ways for my Twitch to be interactive and funny, so I constantly ask my community what they like to see or watch. Content creation is a business - it's fun to adventure out, meet new friends, reach out for brand opportunities, be included in communities, etc. It's an investment, but it's worth it.