
Top 10 LEGO Batman Villains

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Batman and Spider-Man are two of the most iconic superheroes of all time, and with that mantle, they both have the best lineups of villains amongst their superhero peers.

While Spider-Man’s villains are almost all enhanced beings or mutated humans, Batman’s Rogues Gallery has the unique distinction of having intellectually-superior villains like the Joker and the Riddler. DC has done such an incredible job over the years of pairing “the world’s greatest detective” against nefarious mirrors of himself, so today, let’s honor that legacy by checking out the best top 10 LEGO minifigures based off of Batman villains!  

Note: while there have been tons of great LEGO DC villain minifigures made over the years, this list will focus solely on characters who are generally considered to be Batman villains (sorry Bizzaro and Reverse Flash!)

10. Killer Croc (2016)

Killer Croc

Killer Croc is one of Batman’s strongest villains, and I’ve always loved his hulking design from his various incarnations over the years. LEGO did a fantastic job brining this look to life back in 2016, and this figure certainly deserves a spot on this list. I’d imagine most kids (and maybe even some adults) had fun mashing this Killer Croc bigfig against their LEGO Batman minifigs in some epic battles over the years.

9. Jack Nicholson’s Joker (2019)

Jack Nicholson Joker

This figure was exclusive to the 2019 1989 Batmobile, and ever since, it’s been highly sought after. Of course, Nicholson’s Joker reigns supreme among on-screen Joker adaptations, so it’s no surprise that his LEGO Minifigure debut is also a fan favorite. 

8. The Riddler (2006)


There have been several versions of the LEGO Riddler over the years, but there’s something so charming about his debut appearance that still captivates collectors to this day. Maybe it’s the rarity of having the original, or perhaps it’s nostalgia from the LEGO Batman Video Game in 2008, but either way he’s been solidified as a collector favorite over the years. 

7. Tropical Joker (The LEGO Batman Movie)

Vacation Joker

Loosely adapted from “The Killing Joke,” this is a minifigure that I still cannot believe exists. Of course, this is a version of the Joker that briefly appeared in the LEGO Batman Movie, but knowing the dark story behind The Killing Joke comic story, it’s shocking LEGO would ever give a nod to a look like this (not that I’m complaining!) 

6. Condiment King (The LEGO Batman Movie)

Condiment King

While Condiment King ranks pretty low on the list of fearsome Batman villains, he does rank pretty high on my list of villain minifigs - I mean, look at this guy! 

5. Deathstroke


Much more fearsome than Condiment King, the Deathstroke minifig is among my favorites from all of LEGO DC. The dual molded legs (which means the legs have two colors, in this case, orange on bottom and dark blue on top) compliment the aethsetic of this figure from head to toe. What a great figure! 

4. Bane (The LEGO Batman Movie)


Like the Riddler earlier on this list, Bane has had many different iterations in LEGO form. That said, all but one have been traditional minifigures, while this “big fig” from The LEGO Batman Movie looms large over his villainous contemporaries. To me, Bane should always be bigger than Batman, so this version checks every box in my book! 

3. Heath Ledger Joker (2015)

Heath Ledger Joker

Heath Ledger’s Joker has only ever been made twice in LEGO form: once in 2021 with his jacketless look, and once in 2015 with his classic purple outfit. Both figures are great, but when I think of the Joker, I immediately think of the purple suit, which is why this one comes out on top. 

2. 2006 Two-Face

2006 Two Face

Echoing what we explored with the Riddler and Bane, Two-Face has had many LEGO minifigs over the years. 2012 offered an orange-and-purple look, while 2019 gave us his “All-Star Batman” red suit look. The LEGO Batman Movie gave us a LEGO interpretation of Billy Dee Williams as Two-Face which rocked, but there’s something so classic about the original 2006 version that will always rank high for me. Do you agree? 

1. 2006-2008 Joker

2006 Joker

When you think of Batman, the first villain you tend to think of is the Joker. He’s the perfect foil to Batman; chaotic good meets chaotic evil, and while there have been countless LEGO Joker figures over the years, it’s hard to beat the original! With his spiky, vampire-like hair, his horrifying grin, and his array of weapons and vehicles, this version of the Joker not only triumphs all other LEGO Jokers, but all other LEGO Batman villains in general.

As always, let me know what you think if this list! I always love hearing from you over on IG, so hit me up any time I can bring value to you in your collecting journey! 

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