
Can We Talk About the Fashion in 'Napoleon Dynamite' for a Sec?

A look back for the film's 20th anniversary

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Gosh! If somebody could just bring us our chapstick, we might realize that it's been a whole twenty years since Napoleon Dynamite was released. Yes, a whole twenty years—January 17, 2004 to be exact. If you were a kid when this came out, well, you aren't anymore. If you were in your twenties at the time, you're in your forties now. If you were were in your thirties... okay we'll stop. Seriously though, it's hard to believe it's been two decades since this underrated comedy of the 2000s was released, and while we're feeling mad nostalgic, we're also feeling like we want to do a fashion rewind on the film because the style is low key iconic. Don't believe us or think we're exaggerating? We rewatched this movie recently in anticipation of the twenty year celebration, and we're going to break down some of the most memorable fashion moments.

If you're ready to see Y2K fashion in all of its glory, stick with us.

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1. Napoleon's Suit

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Yeah, this date totally didn't go well at all—like worst date ever vibes, but at least Napoleon's suit was dapper right?

2. The Trio

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Is this not high fashion in all of its glory? Pedro getting dressed up in his white dress shirt and jeans for his campaign. That God-awful wig he had to wear because he shaved his head in a meltdown. Napoleon's typical t-shirt with jeans. Deb's 2000s half-up half-down hairstyle—high fashion.

3. Napoleon's Uncle

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Napoleon's creepy uncle/cousin/whatever's only "redeeming quality" was that he dressed nice. That butt whooping he got was much deserved.

4. Napoleon's Very Hesitant Date

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Why this girl accepted Napoleon's date knowing that she was interested...oh yeah she was using him for the ride to the dance. Oh well, at least her fun 2000s pigtails were memorable!

5. LaFawnduh

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We can't talk about the fashion in Napoleon Dynamite without mentioning LaFawnduh's slightly gaudy but still glamorous style now can we?

6. Napoleon's Brother

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Speaking of Lafawnduh, she's the lady responsible for taking Napoleon's brother Kip from this...

7. Kip's Transformation

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To this. Peace out Napoleon.

8. Y2k Fashion

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It doesn't get anymore 2000s than this. Also, if you can't hear this picture you're not a true Napoleon Dynamite fan.

9. Napoleon's Boots

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Aside from Napoleon looking like he hated his life (which he did), those puffer boots were actually kind of nice don't you think?

10. Vote for Pedro

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And lastly...Vote for Pedro—the most iconic shirt ever.

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