Precisely every single summer since The Decision—when free agency was first covered as robustly as the playoffs—the sentiment heading into June has been that this free agency is going to be ‘the wildest one yet’. And each year, free agency rumors creep up earlier and earlier. ‘LeBron to the Lakers’ began the fall of 2017 only for it to become true eight months later, and ‘Durant to the Knicks’ has loomed since he first signed with the Warriors in 2016 conveying his desire for legacy and willingness to relocate.
Part of the uptick in free agency mania is driven by the actual curiosity of NBA fans, but that same coverage has also become a tool for free agents to wield. Players have actualized the leverage that comes with their upcoming free agency or ‘pre-agency’ with tactics like one-year deals, the proven precedent that they will change teams and most recently, influencing the conversation.