
The 10 Best Dunk Contest Moments, Ranked

The absolute best of the best.


Rankings are hard.

Ranking the best NBA Dunk Contests is an even more difficult challenge. With so many incredible moments, how could you possibly narrow the best down to just ten? We have Dr. J, Michael Jordan, Vince Carter—and where does Dwight Howard fit into this equation? Which 360 dunk was better, and who displayed the most creativity? So many questions, but one thing is for sure, these dunks are beloved by NBA fans and were respected enough from the panel of All-Star judges to net 10s across the board (well, most of them were). Here is our very subjective list of the best All-Star Slam Dunk moments, heading into a rather condensed All-Star weekend (and a halftime Dunk Contest).

10. Gerald Green’s Cupcake Dunk

9. Aaron Gordon’s Under The Legs Mascot Dunk

8. Dr. J-1976 Performance

7. Dwight Howard’s Superman Dunk

6. Spud Webb 360 Dunk

5. Dee Brown’s No Look Dunk

4. Jason Richardson’s 2003 Dunk

3. Jason Richardson Goes Off The Backboard

2. MJ From The Free-Throw Line

1. Vince Carter

Well, these are choices. I know we had to leave off a few, so let us know what you thought of the article. Happy All-Star Weekend!

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