
Everything We Know About 'Kingdom Hearts IV'

everything we know about kh4 mobile
Square Enix

To be a Kingdom Hearts fan is to know true patience.

Kingdom Hearts III's release in 2019 brought the original game trilogy to a close, wrapping things up in a seemingly tidy package. After fans waited years between Kingdom Hearts II (and an entire two console generations), Kingdom Hearts III was the hotly-anticipated link between games that acted as a way to revitalize interest in the games that had waned for some time during the lengthy period of time between sequels.

Of course, many fans believed Kingdom Hearts III marked the end of the series for good. In reality, it only marked the end of an arc that would come to be known as the "Dark Seeker Saga." As Kingdom Hearts III's ending and additional content revealed another boss encounter, new characters, and other secrets, fans realized there was far more to the story than they initially believed.

Fast forward to the Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary event, and fans were treated to something beyond their wildest dreams: a brand new mainline Kingdom Hearts game. Square Enix did fans one better and even tossed a new trailer into the mix. It's short, but it's incredibly sweet.

If you're a Kingdom Hearts junkie, you've probably been watching and rewinding a million times over, looking for answers. We don't have all of them yet, but here's everything we know about Kingdom Hearts IV and the new "Lost Master Arc."

Oh, and check out Sora's striking new look.

A Gorgeous New Trailer

A New Mobile Game is on the Way

No Release Date in Sight

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Square Enix

Unfortunately, as Kingdom Hearts fans know all too well, a release date announcement for a brand new Kingdom Hearts game is always ridiculously far away. Though Square Enix confirmed Kingdom Hearts IV is in development, they didn't offer even a shadow of a release window. It's unrealistic to think we might see it in the next couple of years unless it's been in development long enough. It's reportedly utilizing Unreal Engine 4, and could potentially be switching over to Unreal Engine 5 for the remainder of its development. This will take some time to complete. From the look of the first trailer, however, there's at least a bit of gameplay sprinkled in. It could be possible that we see Kingdom Hearts in 2024 or 2025, but those guesses are based on pure conjecture.

No Pre-Orders Just Yet

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Square Enix

So you want to make sure you get your hands on Kingdom Hearts IV as fast as humanly possible. We get it. But right now, there aren't any options to preorder. There will likely be special editions and different incentives to purchase from specific retailers. But for right now, you'll have to sit back and be patient. It's going to be quite a while before retailers start adding SKUs to their inventory. But when they do, you can bet we'll be here to help you figure out which version you want so you can lock it in ASAP. This is a major milestone for fans, after all.

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