“And now you’ve got another friend in Brazil!” Ricardo Dias grinned to me, mere moments after our interview and very first introduction began. Throughout my conversation with the former Anheuser-Busch executive turned entrepreneur/founder of Adventures, Inc., the importance of people and building relationships reigned paramount, and this commitment was clear from the onset. Dias is an absolute goldmine of advice for both people on traditional career paths and those heading off into uncharted territory. Ultimately, any career comes down to people.
Dias’ career has spanned two decades and change, beginning in the area surrounding the world-renowned Iguazu Falls in Brazil. He began his career going door to door as a salesperson for Anheuser-Busch, managing the relationships between distributors and bars, “basically acting as the quarterback between consumers and the bars.” Every industry can be boiled down to sales, Dias tells me, adding: “There’s no better place to start than in the sales field.”
The international nature of Dias’ time with Anheuser-Busch taught him numerous lessons about building brands and connecting with people, teachings that have informed his career trajectory to this day. His time with Anheuser-Busch was comprised of a wide array of roles; he was most recently Vice President of Marketing, Brazil for Ambev—the Brazilian subsidiary of Anheuser-Busch Inbev.
Dias spent some time in Toronto in the early 2000s, then China from 2008-2014, then NYC for a few years, Mexico City for a spell and finally, back in Brazil—his country of origin—in 2019. On what he learned spending so much time in different parts of the world, Dias tells me: “You learn how to appreciate other cultures, but more than that you learn how to function in other environments.” By interacting with people of various backgrounds and trajectories, his time abroad taught him a valuable lesson about trusting the process: “There are many paths to the same destination.”