Throughout all of this, an infamous man whom we all know now was slithering around behind the scenes; honestly, I'd say that half of the entire documentary was about Jeffrey Epstein—whether that was simply about his own personal dealings or with regard to Wexner and Victoria's Secret.
At times, it definitely felt like Victoria's Secret: Angels and Demons was just a documentary about Jeffrey Epstein, as it would often times lose track of the matter at hand, which was, you know, Victoria's Secret. Much of the second and third episodes of the only three-part documentary were devoted almost entirely to Epstein, going off on tangents about smaller stories and incidents involving him and Wexner. While it was all shocking and fascinating to hear, it definitely distracted quite a bit from the main plot of the documentary.
Basically, the whole deal with the two is that Wexner was providing quite a bit of funding to his friend, Epstein, with Wexner even signing power of attorney over to Epstein so that he could manage his finances. This was all in an effort on Wexner's part to get in with the high society of New York City, which Epstein was very familiar with. As Wexner was only known in Columbus, Ohio, having someone solid like Epstein around to introduce him to the culture was certainly alluring.
Epstein got real estate property, private jets, and even Wexner's own New York City townhouse out of their relationship, all the while being involved in his own illicit affairs, which Wexner claimed to have no knowledge of, even when it was reported to Wexner that Epstein was "portraying himself as a recruiter for Victoria's Secret catalog models." Because, of course, after being friends with someone for twenty years, you probably don't know much about them.
After Epstein was first convicted in 2008, it took Wexner an entire year to "cut ties" with him, and it wasn't actually until the massive bust in 2019 that Wexner finally denounced Epstein, even accusing his former friend of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from him. But if Epstein stole that much money from him, why didn't Wexner—who was known to be very litigious—ever sue him?
While some feel that the two might have had a romantic or sexual relationship (though there was no evidence to prove it), others are keener to believe that Epstein must've had some pretty serious dirt on Wexner, which would've kept the billionaire from pursuing any legal action.